For the fifth year in a row, horticulture production is expected to surpass foodgrain production. However, as compared to the crop years 2014-15 and 2015-16, when drought was faced by most Indian states, horticulture production this year is predicted to rise by a MEAgre amount. As compared to 2014-15 and 2015-16, horticulture production this year is expected to rise by 2.2 percent and 0.4 percent, respectively. However, as compared to...
This is shameful: India will deny children food because they don't have an Aadhaar number -Supriya Sharma The government has made the school mid-day MEAl contingent on being enrolled in the identity programme. India has the highest number of malnourished children in the world. You would imagine people in the government would be having sleepless nights thinking of ways to improve the nutrition and health of children. As it turns out, the government believes children need identity numbers more badly than they need food. The government has decided that...
More »Farmers are using futures contracts to counter price risks -Sayantan Bera According to NCDEX, over 25,000 small and marginal farmers from 13 FPOs have successfully hedged their crops on its trading platform in the past 10 months New Delhi: In a bumper crop year when farmers across the country have been battered by lower crop prices, farmers’ groups are using futures contracts to hedge against price dips during the harvest season. For instance, Samriddhi Mahila Crop Production Co. Ltd, a farmer-producer organization (FPO)...
More »Consumption mystery could be traced to piling up of inventories -Aanchal Magazine
-The Indian Express As per the methodology, since no direct data of expenditure is used, most of the GDP data is calculated based on output data The answer to the puzzling rise in Private Final Consumption Expenditure (PFCE) in the second advance estimate of GDP for 2016-17 despite the evident cash squeeze due to demonetisation may very well lie in the methodology used for calculating the new series of GDP. As per...
More »Holes in DeMo armour
-The Telegraph Mumbai: Prime Minister Narendra Modi could well choose to crow about the 7 per cent GDP growth in the third quarter of 2016-17 which, he believes, has blunted criticism about his demonetisation drive and its widely anticipated crippling impact on the economy. But analysts have started to focus attention on how the Central Statistics Office (CSO) "cooked" the numbers of the third quarter of 2015-16 to make the growth rate...
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