-The Hindu Data show that the proportion of these children is higher in rural areas and among SCs, STs and Muslims The official numbers of out-of-school children in India are either out of date or contradictory. According to the 2011 Census, the number of out-of-school children in the 5-17 age group was 8.4 crore. However, according to a survey commissioned in 2014 by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, the number of...
Schools cannot deny admission for lack of Aadhaar: UIDAI
-PTI “It must be ensured that no children are deprived/denied of their due benefits or rights for want of Aadhaar,” said the circular New Delhi: The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has asserted that schools cannot refuse admission to students for lack of Aadhaar, and termed denial on such grounds as “invalid”. It has also exhorted schools to coordinate with local banks, post offices, State education department and district administration, to facilitate...
More »Shri Nitin Gandkari Addresses the National Water Symposium Organised by Shiv Nadar University
-Press Release by Shiv Nadar University New Delhi, 27th August, 2018: Shiv Nadar University (a comprehensive, multidisciplinary and research-focused institution) today hosted a National Water Conference at India International Centre to discuss issues related to the water crisis in India and identify the potential solutions to address the problem. The implementation of a new policy paradigm with regards to the principles, approaches and strategies for managing water in India was one...
More »India's missing children: The story WhatsApp forwards don't tell you -Divya Gandhi & Julie Merin Varughese
-The Hindu Some 174 children go missing every day. Only about 50% of them are ever found again. But the story behind these statistics is complex Shehzadi Malik has watched the seven-minute video clip on her phone a few hundred times these past three months. Sometimes she is looking for clues. Sometimes she is just watching it, empty of hope. Sometimes she is simply looking at her nine-year-old boy, Kabir. This CCTV...
More »India's female workforce participation stands at 24%; motherhood, gender inequality in household work to blame -Namita Bhandare
-Firstpost.com/ IndiaSpend Delhi/ Gurgaon: Underneath two gigantic chandeliers in the conference room of a posh Gurugram hotel, 250 elegantly dressed women are ferociously beating drums. Faster, slower, louder, stop. It’s easier than it looks. The women break out into a sweat as they whistle and shout hoi in unison, on cue. The idea of this 45-minute exercise, said Blesson Joseph of team-building company Dfrens, is to demonstrate the power of cooperation. “If...
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