With a large number of people living on subsistence level of income, the government has to safeguard their interest by ensuring availability of food grains at an affordable price. Success of any policy or programme to this effect depends on growth in agriculture production and procurement of wheat and rice, the main staple foodgrains. Though the performance of agriculture has not been uniform throughout and its growth rate has varied...
India decries grain diversion to bio-fuels
India on Wednesday decried attempts to divert food grains for bio-fuels. “Diversion of grain for fuel is a dangerous trend,” Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma said at the World Economic Forum meeting here. Addressing a session on energy security, Mr. Sharma said diversion of food grains for bio-fuels cannot “subvert” the need for food security. “The cost of food in India has been on a rise over the past year and...
More »Cold, unfeeling city by Harsh Mander
Each night, as temperatures continue to plunge and Delhi shivers through its coldest winter in the last decade, a few more people lose their lives on its streets. The people who succumb to the cold include rickshaw-pullers, balloon-sellers and casual workers, the footloose underclass of dispossessed people who build and service the capital city of the country and yet are forced to sleep under the open sky. They die because...
More »President calls for second green revolution by Vidya Subrahmaniam
Pratibha urges “out-of-the-box” thinking on agriculture Involve agricultural economy more pro-actively in growth process Stress on “environment of security” for optimal attainment of growth President Pratibha Patil’s address to the nation on Monday, on the eve of the 61st Republic Day, reflected the common citizen’s worries on two counts: the unyielding price situation and challenges to internal security. She also touched upon climate change, underlining the use of “energy efficient technologies and...
More »Fringe benefits taxed by Seema Purushothaman
Post-independence policies have taken away all securities of the small farmer Historically, compared to other developing economies, India has had relatively smaller agricultural land-holdings. Mixed farming and animal tending was the backbone of small and marginal rain-fed agriculture. Diverse food crops along with animal produce ensured relatively balanced nutrition. But policies in independent India reduced diversity while increasing the market dependence of small farms. Small farmers became victims of policies favouring...
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