Total Matching Records found : 4788

Civil society vigil to check female foeticide by Aarti Dhar

Recommending civil society vigil to check female foeticide, a Parliamentary committee has asked the Union Government to ensure that the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act, 1971, is not circumvented to give way to selective abortion in cases of female foeticide. It has also called for synchronisation of this Act with the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act (PC&PNDT Act), 1994, to check the social evil. It...

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Media pressure may help speed up food security moves by S Viswanathan

More than two years have passed and there seems to be no progress worth speaking about in making the promised law that will guarantee food for the people. The promise came from the UPA-2 as part of its election manifesto in 2009. It was a time of recovery from a time of economic troubles. The impact of the global economic slowdown came on top of the agrarian crisis and the...

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The classified truth by Mrinal Pande

The truth about the Indian media’s increasing reliance on revenues from news that has been paid for, has long been shrouded in half-truths, corporate denials and misleading information in carefully sifted reports sent out by regulatory bodies. While the national media, flush with high TRP ratings and advertising revenues, is patting itself on its self-righteous back for relentless coverage of the public protests against corruption in high places, it is...

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Discrepancy in MGNREGA wage distribution figures: Par panel

-MSN   A Parliamentary committee has said discrepancies have come to the fore in the working of the Postal Department and the Rural Development ministry in dissemination of wages to workers under the MGNREGA scheme. "The inputs provided by both the departments i.e. Department of Post (DoP) and Department of Rural Development (DRD) indicate contradiction on various aspects particularly on the number of account and amount disbursed through Post," the report tabled in...

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Wombs for rent by Anupama Katakam

The absence of a law regulating surrogacy makes India, especially Anand, a top destination for couples from abroad. UNTIL about 2008, the future looked bleak for Sharadaben Solanki. A landless daily-wage worker in Anand, Gujarat, she earned a paltry Rs.600 a month. Her husband earned an equal amount working as a construction labourer. Together the couple supported three children and their parents. That was when she heard from Maganbhai, the owner of...

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