-The Times of India The Delhi high court on Tuesday stayed a Central Information Commission (CIC) order directing Rashtrapati Bhawan to disclose all the documents, including the communication of the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, on the declaration of the Emergency in 1975. Terming the documents as "classified and privileged", the Central Public Information Officer of Rashtrapati Bhawan challenged the CIC order, saying the President's Secretariat is not liable to disclose...
Difficult problem, difficult solutions by Ritu Kant Ojha
This is a unique situation. For governments, development authorities, lenders and borrowers alike. On Wednesday, a Supreme Court (SC) Bench headed by Justice GS Singhvi upheld a verdict of the Allahabad High Court that quashed acquisition of 176 hectares of land from farmers in Greater Noida stating that the authorities were “sub-serving” private builders in the name of public interest. Land purchased from the government was always considered ‘clean’. This verdict,...
More »The gang that couldn't shoot straight by P Sainath
As we close in on 20 years of Manmohanomics, it's worth remembering one chant the chattering classes uttered, first with pride, later to console themselves. “Whatever you say, we have the most honest man in Dr. Manmohan Singh. And no one can speak a word against him.” It's less heard now — those affections having been transferred to other punters in the honesty sweepstakes. But growing numbers do say this...
More »SC scraps G Noida land acquisition by Bhadra Sinha
A day after it accused states of running a sinister campaign to "grab" the land of poor farmers, the Supreme Court on Wednesday dealt a big blow to the Mayawati government in Uttar Pradesh by quashing a 2007 notification to acquire 156.3 hectares of land in Greater Noida. A bench of justices GS Singhvi and AK Ganguly also imposed a Rs 10 lakh fine on the Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority...
More »Reactions to SC judgment on land acquistion
-The Times of India Wednesday's Supreme Court decision which upheld Allahabad High Court's order quashing acquisition of land by UP government at Shahberi village in Noida has come as a shot in the arm of the farmers agitating across the state against forcible land acquisition. While Opposition parties used it to sharpen their attack on the Maya government, farmer organisations said it's a warning to the Centre and state governments...
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