Total Matching Records found : 5845

C wants to know: What is happening in Orissa?-Krishnadas Rajagopal

The Supreme Court wanted to know today “what was happening” in the Orissa Maoist hostage crisis. The Centre told the court it had “no idea”, while the Orissa government — the primary respondent in a public interest petition seeking to prevent it from succumbing to the “blackmail tactics” of Maoists — was not represented. A Bench of Justices T S Thakur and Gyan Sudha Misra had posted an urgent hearing of...

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Patents and the law -V Venkatesan

The implementation of Patents Act, as last amended in 2005, raises significant issues of immediate concern to patients across the world. INDIA'S Patents Act has an interesting history. Enacted first in 1911 as the Indian Patents and Designs Act in the colonial era, it primarily addressed the interests of inventors, who did not want their inventions infringed upon by anyone who copied them or adopted the methods used to make them....

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Patent to plunder -Amit Sengupta

India's efforts to produce and supply life-saving drugs at affordable prices face challenges from multinational companies trying to “evergreen” their patents. THE average life expectancy across the globe has increased from around 30 years a century ago to over 65 years today. This has been made possible in large part by modern medicine. Never before in history have humans had access to such an array of medicines and devices to...

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Question of efficacy -Leena Menghaney

The country is clearly shaping its legislation to promote access to medicines by fostering generic production. INDIA'S approach to the revision of its Patents Act in 2005 is a clear example of a country shaping its legislation to promote access to medicines by fostering generic production. Although World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules made it mandatory for India to put in place a patent regime for medicines by 2005, nothing obliges...

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Shamnad Basheer, Intellectual Property Law Professor at NUJS interviewed by V Venkatesan

PROFESSOR Shamnad Basheer joined the National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS), Kolkata, in November 2008 as the first Ministry of Human Resource Development Chaired Professor in Intellectual Property Law. Before this, he was FRAnk H. Marks Visiting Associate Professor of Intellectual Property Law at the George Washington University law school and a research associate at the Oxford Intellectual Property Research Centre (OIPRC).  He is the founder of several initiatives, including...

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