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Has Poverty Really Dropped in India? by Nikhila Gill

Remember when the public was outraged at the idea that the poverty line should be 32 rupees, or 63 cents, a day in urban areas? We’ve now learned it should really be 29 rupees. And believe it or not, this is no sleight of hand to show a drop in poverty. The Planning Commission’s latest poverty estimates, released Monday evening, show a 7 percentage-point drop in India’s poor, the largest fall since...

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Lesser poor people in India now, suggests new poverty line-Rupashree Nanda

If you could spend more than Rs 28 per day and lived in a town, or Rs 22 per day and lived in a village, you were above the poverty line. This is Planning Commission's new poverty line for the year 2009-2010. According to its most recent estimates, 52 million people moved out of poverty between 2005 and 2010. For rural areas, poverty is down from 42% to 33% while for...

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Over 2,000 accused in UP foodgrain scam-Dhananjay Mahapatra

The massive spread of the UP foodgrain diversion scam came to the fore when CBI told the Supreme Court that it has filed FIRs against over 2,000 people, including politicians and public servants, during its investigations in just five places. No other single scam in India's history has seen registration of FIRs against so many persons and this could also be worrisome for the Akhilesh Singh Yadav government as the list...

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The worm in Bt brinjal-Sreelatha Menon

A new study questions safety assessments of Bt brinjal, asks for an independent regulator Does it matter if the gene introduced in Bt brinjal varies from the natural brinjal by 70 amino acids rather than by one? What if the regulators in the country fail to detect this and rubber stamp a genetically-engineered vegetable on the basis of the premise submitted by the company that produced it — Mahyco in...

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Technical committee to estimate poverty, says Manmohan by K Balchand

It will not work at cross purposes with the Abhijit Sen committee: Ashwani Kumar In a bid to address the rising concerns, within and outside Parliament, over the latest poverty estimates released by the Planning Commission, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Thursday declared that a technical group would be put in place to come up a new methodology to capture the incidence of poverty. Talking to reporters on the sidelines of a...

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