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CAG takes ‘Aswachh’ Gujarat to task

-The Times of India GANDHINAGAR (Gujarat): Though Gujarat claims to be the vanguard of Indian states working for the swachchta revolution championed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) has discovered an untidy record. In its report, 'Local Bodies of Gujarat' - released on Tuesday and covering the period till year ending March 2013 - the CAG points out failures of the state in the execution of the...

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Survival of tribals in Attappadi region under threat as infant deaths continue -Shaju Philip

-The Indian Express Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala): Infant deaths are still stalking tribal hamlets in Kerala's Attappadi region, where the community's population has been falling alarmingly due to various factors. The recurring incidents of infant deaths have cast a shadow over the survival of tribals in Attappadi. A study had found that tribals formed 90 per cent of population in Attappadi in 1951, but the same was down to 42 per cent in...

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Jean Dreze, economist and activist, interviewed by Atmadip Ray

-The Economic Times For one who had worked so closely to frame the world's largest job guarantee programme, known as the Mahatma Gandhi National rural Employment Guarantee Act, it's not easy to see it succumb to pressure. It's no wonder that economist-cum-activist Jean Dreze will raise his voice against this, along with eminent academics such as Pranab Bardhan and Maitreesh Ghatak. Dreze says corruption related to NREGA and leakages - its...

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Air pollution damages crops more than climate change -Snigdha Das

-Down to Earth Study finds that black carbon and ozone pollution in India has significantly cut wheat and rice yield The levels of smog and air pollution in India have become so severe that crop yields are taking a hit. Scientists recently analysed yields for wheat and rice alongside pollution data, and concluded that the crop yields have significantly reduced. They have attributed the decrease in yield to two air pollutants-black carbon...

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Modernising India: Modi govt makes digital dash, e-gaon every mile -Zia Haq

-The Hindustan Times The government is gearing up for its next big mission, a Rs. 113,000-crore plan that aims to usher in a digital revolution by moving everything online, from education to public services to bureaucracy. Aptly called ‘e-kranti', it comes under the Narendra Modi government's ‘Digital India' initiative and is quite simply the world's most ambitious broadband project - but one that will have to overcome countless hurdles, big and small....

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