-The Hindu The Opposition, including the Left Front, has demanded a thorough probe into the incident. Taking a serious view of the death of Students' Federation of India leader Sudipta Gupta in police custody, the West Bengal Human Rights Commission (WBHRC) directed the City Police Commissioner on Wednesday to probe the matter and submit a report within seven days. "The Commission has taken suo motu cognisance of the matter and directed the Commissioner...
West Bengal student leader dies in police custody; SFI alleges murder
-The Times of India KOLKATA: A 22-year-old post graduate student and leader of CPM's students' wing SFI, died of injuries sustained in police custody, prompting the Left Front to demand a judicial probe on Tuesday while chief minister Mamata Banerjee and her senior cabinet colleagues attended the IPL inauguration ceremony barely a few km away. Police claimed SFI state committee member Sudipto Gupta's death was an Accident while the victim's kin alleged...
More »Troubled by protests, Sterlite awaits green tribunal’s order -Gopu Mohan
-The Indian Express Chennai: The fate of Sterlite Industries, and that of thousands of people of coastal Tuticorin, now depends on the south bench of the National Green Tribunal, which is hearing the company's petition against its closure ordered by the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB). The biggest copper smelting unit in the country, part of the Vedanta Group, moved the tribunal after the TNPCB ordered closure of the plant following...
More »Muslim states agree to 'historic' UN statement on women
-AFP UNITED NATIONS: Muslim and western nations on Friday overcame deep divisions to agree a historic United Nations declaration setting out a code of conduct for combating violence against women. Iran, Libya, Sudan and other Muslim nations agreed to language stating that violence against women and girls could not be justified by "any custom, tradition or religious consideration." Western nations, particularly from Scandinavia, toned down demands for references to gay rights and sexual...
More »IAEA chief lauds India’s civil nuclear programme-Sandeep Dikshit
-The Hindu India Specific Safeguard Agreement being implemented very smoothly The Indian civil nuclear programme as well as the country’s tightening of laws to check nuclear proliferation came in for praise from Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency Yukiya Amano. Speaking to journalists here after touring Tarapur Atomic Power Station’s units 3 & 4, Dr. Amano lauded the “serious efforts, enthusiasm by the operators, engineers to further improve, further enhance the...
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