Union Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh on Tuesday appeared before the Ethics Committee of the Lok Sabha following his letter to the Speaker about Members of Parliament lobbying for projects in which they have interest or which fall outside their constituencies. Mr. Ramesh was summoned by the Committe headed by Manik Rao Gavit, after the Minister's letter to Speaker Meira Kumar was referred to it. Sources privy to the proceedings at the meeting...
Women MPs to push for speedy passage of women-related Bills
Cutting across party lines, women Members of Parliament propose to set up pressure groups in both Houses to push for speedy clearance of a number of women-related Bills that are pending passage. The proposal was mooted at a meeting of women MPs, convened by Girija Vyas, chairperson of the National Commission for Women on Thursday. It was attended by 22 women MPs. Ms. Vyas suggested that women MPs, irrespective of their...
More »Rajasthan amends Tenancy Act
To facilitate larger lease holdings of land for agro-based units The amendment allows the lease period for 15 years instead of five years Accounts of the panchayati raj institutions placed under the purview of CAG Rajasthan has amended its tenancy laws to facilitate larger lease holdings of agricultural land for longer periods by entrepreneurs who are interested in setting up agro-based products. The move takes into account the big potential the State has...
More »Swami Agnivesh, journalists attacked in Dantewada by Aman Sethi
Collector, Senior Superintendent of Police transferred following reports of torching of villages A large group comprising Special Police Officers (SPOs) of the Chhattisgarh police and members of the Salwa Judum attacked social activist Swami Agnivesh on Saturday as he attempted to deliver relief to a village allegedly torched by security forces in Chhattisgarh's Dantewada district. On March 23, The Hindu published reports and photographs alleging that SPOs had torched about 300 homes,...
More »‘Yes, storage, sub-standard grain are problems'
The government on Thursday admitted to problems in storage as well as supply of sub-standard foodgrains to the poor after senior Communist Party of India (Marxist) leader Brinda Karat expressed serious concern in the Rajya Sabha over grain rotting. “I do admit,” Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee said after Ms. Karat charged the government with supplying rotten foodgrains to remote tribal areas. She showed samples of spoiled wheat and rice in the...
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