Total Matching Records found : 7448

Jairam Ramesh puts Land Titling Bill on hold

-The Economic Times The Centre has decided to put on hold its plans to move ahead with a legislation that would change the way land records are made, kept and used. The rural development ministry has decided not to push through the Land Titling Bill for the time being. "Twenty-five years ago, I believed like many others that we should move from presumptive to conclusive titles. I still believe that we should...

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A more caring touch-Harsh Mander

-The Hindustan Times There is a widespread perception of policy paralysis in the corridors of power. The two remaining years of the UPA's term is still not too short to reverse the current drift, but time is rapidly running out. The damaged economy needs urgent fixing as does restoring the credibility of an executive racked by scandals and the absence of a sense of direction. The people of the country long...

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Govt targets cheap cooking gas-R Suryamurthy

Plans are afoot to cap the number of subsidised LPG cylinders at six to eight per annum to reduce the losses of state-run oil firms and bring down the burgeoning subsidy bill. Oil ministry officials said consumers might have to pay more for every additional cylinder, and the amount would be gradually linked to market rates. Sources said the finance ministry had asked the oil ministry to revisit its proposal made last...

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Call for law to jail teachers who cane-Ananya Sengupta

-The Telegraph Teachers who don’t believe in sparing the rod, beware. If an amendment to an existing act on juvenile justice is passed, corporal punishment will for the first time become a standalone provision in the law under which teachers found guilty could be jailed for up to seven years, depending on the nature of injury. As of now there is no definition of corporal punishment except for a provision under the Right...

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