The Delhi High Court on Monday stayed an order that would have allowed Indians to seek information from the Supreme Court under the country’s Right-to-Information act, rather than under existing court rules, after the top court appealed the ruling. Earlier this month, the Central Information Commission, which oversees the implementation of India’s transparency law, ruled that people seeking information from the court were entitled to use the four-year-old statute if they...
Govt disagrees on judicial powers of Lokpal; drafting of Bill begins by Nidhi Sharma
Sharp differences between Government representatives and civil society members in the Lokpal drafting committee came to the fore over basic issues such as the structural set-up of Lokpal, maximum punishment for corruption and graded punishment for culprits, during the fourth meeting of the panel here on Monday. However, Union Minister and panel member Kapil Sibal said that there was consensus on "almost half of the" 40 points brought to the table...
More »SC asks Delhi HC to stay CIC order by Dhananjay Mahapatra
The Supreme Court has rushed to the Delhi High Court seeking a stay on the Central Information Commission's May 11 order allowing litigants to raise RTI queries on the logic behind judgments. How could the Supreme Court provide information under RTI on why a particular order or judgment was passed that went beyond the reasoning and logic given in that order or judgment, the SC asked. The CIC's bare-all order...
More »SC can't deny info if plea filed under RTI Act: CIC by Himanshi Dhawan
The Central Information Commission (CIC) has overturned its own decision and ruled that the Supreme Court cannot deny information on judicial matters if an applicant has asked for it under the Right to Information Act. As of now, information disclosure related to a person's own case could be applied to the Supreme Court under the RTI Act. But in case the information related to judicial matters of a third party,...
More »CIC: In a conflict, RTI Act will prevail over Supreme Court rules by Vidya Subrahmaniam
Information is a fundamental right of citizen Supreme Court cannot cite internal rules to deny information It can be denied only if information sought is prohibited under RTI Act itself The Central Information Commission (CIC) has ruled that in a conflict between the Right to Information Act and the internal rules of a Public Authority, the RTI Act must prevail. It would prevail even if the internal rules pertain to the Supreme Court. CIC...
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