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Govt to set up 49 cancer centres in 3 yrs -Sushmi Dey

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: With cancer cases on the rise in the country, the government PLAns to set up 49 cancer centres in the next three years. The centres will be in addition to 31 already functioning and upgraded since 2014-15, when the government floated the scheme. The health ministry has drawn up a detailed project PLAn which will be reviewed by the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) at a high-level...

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Country of a chosen few -TSR Subramanian

-The Indian Express Thomas Piketty points to the widening income disparities that have accompanied economic growth in India, which endanger social stability The paper by Thomas Piketty and Lucas Chancel, ‘Indian Income Inequality 1922-2014 — From British Raj to Billionaire Raj?’, is now in the public domain. Piketty needs no introduction — his Capital in the Twenty-First Century has been one of the most influential books on economics in the past decade....

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Sikar: No Longer Just a Farmers' Movement, But a People's Movement for Farmers -Neha Mishra Report from the nerve-centre of the massive farmers' movement in Sikar, Rajasthan, which has won the support of people from all sections of society. The Sikar district of Rajasthan has seen various mass movements in different times in the past. But nothing like what is happening today. Unlike many other cases where the middle class starts comPLAining whenever there is a mass agitation, this farmers’ movement, with its eleven genuine...

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Trade Unions Reject the Wage Code Bill 2017 The Labour Ministry introduced the Code on Wages Bill 2017 in the Lok Sabha on August 10, with the ostensible aim of ensuring a statutory national minimum wage and other protections to all wage workers in the country. The Code seeks to rePLAce the four existing laws relating to wages – the Payment of Wages Act, 1936; the Minimum Wages Act, 1948; the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965; and the Equal...

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Challenging VVPAT machines wrongly will land you in jail -Ankur Sirothia

-The Times of India BHOPAL: Challenging the Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) machines, which are used during polling to verify that the vote cast by a person goes to the correct candidate, would land a person in jail, if it is found that the machine is working fine. The issue has come to light as the election commission is PLAnning to make the people in MP aware of the machine...

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