-The Times of India Chennai: At a time when the Centre is planning to link Aadhaar for government schemes and a large number of people are lining up for enrolment, an RTI application has revealed that the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has identified more than 25,000 duplicate Aadhaar numbers in the country till August. Vinod Ranganathan of onlineRTI.com, who filed the application, said he had sought state-wise number of dubious/fake...
TN plans to better organ transplant record
-The Hindu Chennai: Health Minister C. Vijayabaskar said the State stood first in the country with respect to harvest of organs. With seven years’ of experience in organ and transplant programme, the State is now looking to better its achievement by actively involving more government hospitals. At present only a handful of government hospitals across the State perform transplant surgeries, whereas the contribution by private hospitals has been significant. Releasing the annual report...
More »Tamil Nadu leads country in organ donation
-The Times of India Chennai: When Professor Russel Walker Strong set out to perform the world's first partial liver transplant from a live donor in Brisbane in 1989, the Australian media went berserk. "I was accused of using babies as guinea pigs. Headlines identified me as the surgeon who was running amok," said Prof Strong. More than two decades later, he stood before an audience in Tamil Nadu, a state, that...
More »Collectives help rural women ‘Lean In’ -Nachiket Mor
-The Hindu Women build social capital through the process of regular group meetings and this directly results in a change in their status, both within the home and community In the world of microfinance, women’s collectives have acquired a great deal of prominence globally and are known by various names such as Self Help Groups (SHGs), Joint Liability Groups (JLG), or Village Saving and Loan Associations (VSLA). There is a strongly held...
More »From plate to plough: Losing the pulses -Ashok Gulati & Shweta Saini
-The Indian Express Government’s actions on the commodity reveals it is ignorant of how a market economy is run With each passing day this year, agriculture seems to be sagging and so is the Indian farmer. Deficit monsoon rains appear to be the trigger. Although rains offered some respite to Marathwada, the situation in India’s largest agri-state, Uttar Pradesh, has gone from bad to worse. Last year’s drought, with monsoon rains falling...
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