MP Ramesh Jigjinagi has instructed the officers concerned to ensure that the funds released under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA) are utilised properly and jobs are provided to the needy in rural areas of the district. Speaking after reviewing various development works taken up under Central funds here on Thursday, he said that employment cards provided under the scheme should be renewed every year to stop misuse of...
Black money black hole
Estimating black money has been a long time preoccupation of economists and tax collectors in India. Several books have been written and several government reports prepared. It is possible to suggest that the policy disincentives that may have contributed to black money generation, like high tax rates, have been moderated, if not eliminated, and that the incentive to declare income has gone up since the beginning of tax and policy...
More »Irregularity detected in rural employment scheme
A case of irregularity in the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme has been detected in Karanjakala block of Jaunpur district. Joint director (industry) Indramohan Dubey, in his inspection report submitted to divisional commissioner Ajay Kumar Upadhyaya, mentioned that JOb Cards of workers were not made in Vibi gram sabha of Karanjakala block. Locals told him that they had given applications for this purpose but they were not given job...
More »9.063 lakh job card holders benefited under MNREGS by Manoj Kumar
As many as 9.063 lakh Manav Divas under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MNREGS) have been created for the job card holders, since April in Dehradun district, said a department officers while talking to The Pioneer on Tuesday. He said that the department has spent `15.11 crore for providing employment to the job card holders under the MNREGA since April in the district. While talking to The Pioneer Doiwala Block...
More »The magic of state support by Sreelatha Menon
Rajasthan's Jatawali village hosts a debate on census showing how rural India badly needs state help. An old couple in Jatavali village in Choumu tehsil of Jaipur were having an early lunch at noon with their daughter. The man had a roti and a large chunk of crumpled baati (baked wheat balls) and a fairly large bowl of dal. He was making little cakes of baati, dipping them in the dal...
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