-The Hindu India records 2,59,291 new cases on Thursday Like every wave in the past, cases fuelled by the Omicron variant of COVID-19 have initially spread only in the urban areas. However, many rural and semi-rural places recorded a sharp spike in infections in the past week. At the start of this year, 50% of the cases were from urban centres such as Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai and Kolkata. However, the share reduced to...
India is waking up to the hidden benefits of natural farming -Sayantan Bera
-Livemint.com Early adopters claim higher yields and low cultivation costs. But scientific validation is awaited Government can keep fertilizer subsidies in check. The fertilizer subsidy bill, driven by a spike in natural gas and other raw material prices, is set to touch a staggering ₹1.3 trillion in 2021-22 Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans. Or so it happened to KV Homendra. At 23, he went for a degree in...
More »35 of 46 who died of Covid-19 in Delhi between January 5-9 were not vaccinated
-IANS/ The New Indian Express The national capital so far has recorded a total of 70 Covid deaths in this month. NEW DELHI: As per the Delhi health department data, out of the total 46 deaths recorded between January 5 to 9 in the national capital, 11 people were vaccinated with both doses of vaccines against Covid-19. The national capital so far has recorded a total of 70 Covid deaths in this month....
More »Are we overestimating the fiscal boost to the economy? -Roshan Kishore
-Hindustan Times Gross domestic product (GDP) statistics are released at both current and constant prices. The latter discounts inflation (more on this later) from the base year of the current GDP series. Let’s assume it takes a tonne of steel to build half a kilometre of road. Let’s also assume steel costs ₹1,000 a tonne and there is a tax of 10% on steel. Now, if steel prices doubled in a year,...
More »India’s COVID-19 deaths higher than that reported by the government, indicate SAMple surveys -Vibha Varshney
-Down to Earth India’s cumulative COVID-19 deaths are 6-7 times higher than reported officially, says analysis India’s death count for COVID-19 is a mystery for many experts. As of January 6, India reported a total of 346.76 deaths per million, which is much lower than that in rich countries such as the United States (2,505.11 deaths per million) and the United Kingdom (2,193.76 deaths per million). The country’s cumulative number of deaths has...
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