-The Hindu The Union government on Thursday allowed an increase in the Minimum Support Price (MSP) of Rs. 80 per quintal for paddy during the current kharif season, but it is said to be way below the hike recommended by both the Union Ministry of Agriculture and the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP). The government said the objective was to boost production during the current kharif season and meet...
Battle over the Anti-Violence Bill by John Dayal
Victims have not forgotten the following brutal tragedies in the life of independent India, even if the State and political parties may pretend to have. 1984—Delhi: On October 31, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her two Sikh bodyguards in revenge for ‘Operation Bluestar’. For the next three days, as Doordarshan telecast the lying in state of her body, over 3000 Sikhs—men and boys—were burnt alive while policemen, politicians and...
More »World food prices to remain high by Dilip Kumar Jha
FAO forecast of generally tight situation for most crops and commodities over next 18 months. Consumers are unlikely to get relief from high food prices till December 2012, despite a modest increase in global foodgrain production. High and volatile agricultural commodity prices are likely to prevail for the rest of this year and into 2012, says a report of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations. The next few months...
More »RTE Act: combating the lethargy in implementation by S Viswanathan
If it took six decades for the Central government to honour the constitutional commitment to provide free and compulsory education to all children in the age group of 05-14 by putting in place the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2010, the State governments, barring a few, have failed to complete the necessary spadework even a year after the law was enacted. The spadework related to...
More »The surge in wages
-The Business Standard Only anecdotal evidence has been available so far to back the assertion that there has been a sharp rise in agricultural wages. Now, field data bear out the trend. Collected by the Shimla-based Labour Bureau, these numbers show a roughly 50 per cent cumulative rise in rural labour wages in the past two years. The increase in Andhra Pradesh has been assessed at over 40 per cent...
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