-The Indian Express New Delhi: Days after the December 16 gangRape incident, hundreds of Rape cases were sent to special fast track courts for a speedy trial. In fact, in January this year, six newly created special fast track courts for sexual offences received over 500 cases within three weeks of their creation. A year later, the trial in the December 16 case is complete. The case is midway through appeal...
NCRB to Compile Data on Sec 377, Sexual Harassment
-Outlook The National Crime Records Bureau, the country's central repository for tabulating data related to criminal incidents, will soon begin collating data related to offences recorded under Section 377 (unnatural sex) of IPC as it prepares a new format to be sent to states. The NCRB, which was set up in 1986, will undertake the activity for the first time in its history and the move has been cleared by the Union...
More »In the year since gangRape, silence around sexual assault shattered -Amrita Dutta
-The Indian Express A year ago, in Delhi's dark December of 2012, 24-year-old Natasha Raghuvanshi was on Rajpath, occupying the streets with thousands of other angry young people, carrying with her the memory of being stalked, flashed at, and groped while returning home from college. Aswathy Senan, a 27-year-old Delhi University student, was there because it seemed to be "the last straw" - "the accumulated anger and helplessness" of many Indian...
More »Rs 1,000 crore Nirbhaya fund remains untouched -Himanshi Dhawan
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: It has been a year since Nirbhaya shook the country's conscience with her courage in the face of the brutal gang-Rape on the night of December 16. However, the government is yet to shake off its lethargy and has not spent a rupee from the much-touted Rs 1,000-crore Nirbhaya fund. The fund was announced by the Centre with much fanfare in the Union Budget earlier this...
More »The Law, Rape and Son Preference: A Reality Check
November last when a young journalist was allegedly sexually assaulted by the editor of Tehelka, a magazine where she worked, an important report on gender bias of Indian laws was launched by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Titled 'The Law and Son Preference in India: A Reality Check' the report claims that most Indian laws -- be it prevention of dowry law, anti sexual assault law or inheritance law--...
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