-The Hindu One lakh LIG/EWS housing units to be ready in three years Delhi Development Authority vice-chairman G. S. Patnaik on Tuesday reaffirmed the Authority's intention to deliver one lakh housing units for low-income and economically weaker sections of society within three years. He said construction of 20,040 EWS houses using prefab-technology was progressing and he expected to deliver 8,000 of these units in 2012. Mr. Patnaik said that 12,000 demand letters were...
Blocked Development by Lola Nayar
The much-vaunted NREGA has defaulted on many of its promises “There are many households in our village who have NREGA cards but have not sought work for over two years,” says 32-year-old Umesh Kumar, gram pradhan of Bhainswal village, in Muzaffarnagar district of Uttar Pradesh. In fact, Kumar recounts having to actually go around persuading people to come for work “whenever we get projects for implementation under NREGA”. This first-time...
More »ADB loan cleared for road works in naxal-hit villages by K Balchand
The Union government has cleared an external loan to finance part of the programme launched by the Ministry of Rural Development in left wing extremism-affected villages. The clearance is for a loan of $500 million from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to speed up construction of rural roads. Union Minister of Rural Development Jairam Ramesh has, in a letter, urged Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee to issue directions for negotiating and early signing...
More »Bhushan told to pay Rs 1.32 cr duty plus interest on his ‘1-lakh bungalow’ by Prashant Pandey
The office of the assistant stamp commissioner here today found Team Anna member Shanti Bhushan guilty of evading stamp duty in purchase of a bungalow in Allahabad’s posh Civil Lines, slapping him with a Rs 27 lakh fine and asking him to deposit Rs 1.32 crore in duty along with interest. Bhushan has been asked to pay the entire amount within a month. Bhushan said the order was “illegal”, and the stamp...
More »CAG critical of tribal funds diversion
-Express News Service Diversion of huge funds from tribal area sub-plan (TASP) provisions for implementation of projects in other areas has been opposed by the Opposition political parties. The issue was also raised several times by tribal legislators cutting across party lines in different sessions of the Assembly. The Comptroller and Audit General (CAG) has taken exception to large-scale diversion of funds from the TASP to other projects in its latest report...
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