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Madhya Pradesh declares drought in 35 districts, seeks Rs2,400 crore aid -Sayantan Bera State seeks Rs300 crore more for drinking water supply and Rs750 crore for waiving off interest payments on loans New Delhi: Madhya Pradesh has declared 35 out of 51 districts in the state as drought affected and sought an initial central assistance of Rs.2,400 crore, indicating deepening rural distress. Karnataka, Maharashtra and Odisha have already declared parts of their state as drought affected. Madhya Pradesh finance minister Jayant Malaiya and agriculture minister...

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Tenant Farmers bear the brunt of agrarian crisis in Telangana -KV Kurmanath

-The Hindu Business Line 75% of those committed suicide were the ones who took land on rent Hyderabad: With the Telangana Farmers continuing to end their lives, Farmers’ leaders have begun to delve deep into the agrarian crisis. A study to analyse the issue found that about 70-75 per cent of all those who committed suicide were tenant Farmers. This means that about 1,125 out of the 1,500 suicides reported – after the State...

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Govt may up MSP of pulses by 200-300

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: In its bid to push farming of pulses, the government is likely to increase the minimum support price (MSP) of the key kitchen item substantially. Sources said the MSP would be raised by Rs 200-300 per quintal in the case of gram or chickpea and lentil, which will be reaching the market from next month onwards. The sources said the assured price to Farmers would also...

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Nutrition for kids -Aparajita Dasgupta

-The Indian Express Why early life investment matters, and what we should do about it. With the success in reducing child mortality, the challenge before India is to safeguard early-life conditions in order to prevent long-run loss in welfare for individuals and the economy. Malnutrition rates for India are extremely high, with about 38.4 per cent of children being stunted and 46 per cent underweight (National Family Health Survey, 2005-06). There...

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Amul's not so marginal Farmers -Sohini Das Large dairy farms are critical for the next stage of India's white revolution Nagara (Anand): Sunil Patel hardly looks like a dairy farmer in his loafers, sleek glasses and cotton trousers. As he guides me to his farm of 110 cows through the narrow lanes of Nagara, a small village around 60 km from India’s milk capital, Anand, I notice most of the houses have piped natural gas connections. Nagara, like...

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