-Hindustan Times The latest instance of a lynching triggered by rumours about kidnappers was in Tripura on Thursday. The victim was an activist hired by the state government to create awareness about misleading social media messages. New Delhi: Several fake social media videos and messages containing similar themes of outsiders stealing children have claimed 14 lives across the country since May 20 despite police warning people not to believe in such rumours. Scores...
Changing rainfall patterns cause for worry in India -Nidhi Jamwal
-India Climate Dialogue The meteorological department’s analysis of annual rainfall for the past 50 years has found significant increasing or decreasing trends in districts that could put a spanner into India’s food security scenario. Since June 13, there has been a hiatus in the advance of southwest monsoon in the country due to the weakening of its circulation pattern. This dry spell is expected to soon change as the monsoon is likely...
More »odisha is breaking the patriarchy, one deed at a time -Ashwaq Masoodi
-Livemint.com odisha is a front-runner in women’s land ownership, much of it owing to government policies from the 1980s. But has ownership led to empowerment? Surrounded by sun-drenched paddy fields interspersed with jackfruit and banana trees, Sanakusupadu is a hamlet in odisha’s tribal-dominated district of Rayagada. Here, almost every married woman owns land. No matter how small the holding, land documents of the 62 households in this village bear the names of the...
More »As Kerala HC Supports Photo of Breastfeeding, Data Say Too Few Mothers Practice It
-TheWire.in The national average of infants in the age group six to 23 months who receive an adequate diet is a shocking 9.6%. New Delhi: The image of a woman breastfeeding on the cover of a popular Malayalam magazine Grihalakshmi was too much for some to bear. A case was even filed in Kerala high court over it. However, the court recently came out in support of the publication, refusing to...
More »Canal man's channel: 70-yr-old carves way for water to irrigate 100 acres land
-odishaTV.in Meet Daitari Nayak, a 70 year old farmer who single-handedly carved out a three kilometer canal from the Gonasika mountains so that the water stream could reach down and irrigate the parched fields and settlements below. The "canal man" as people fondly call him, patiently cut the steep hillsides and cleared the rocks for more than four years to make the stream slowly snake down. Bhubaneswar: The refreshing greens in more...
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