Continuing its grilling of corporate honchos, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Thursday questioned at least seven of them in connection with its ongoing probe into the 2G spectrum scam. The CBI called R.K. Krishna Kumar, who heads the Tata Realty and Infrastructure Private Ltd., to its headquarters here and quizzed him for nearly six hours. Mr. Kumar is also a board member of Tata Sons. Tata Realty Managing Director Sanjay...
RTI is best tool to check malpractices by Partha Sarathi Biswas
“The Right to Information (RTI) Act is a very powerful tool to fight the cancer of corruption, which is eating away at the vitals of the country,” stated former judge PM Dhakephalkar. He was speaking at a discussion on ‘Corruption ridden India’, organised by Community Aid and Sponsorship Programme (Casp) Prabodhan Mandal at SP College on Sunday. Apart from Dhakephalkar, resident editor of Pune edition of DNA, Abhay Vaidya, former director general...
More »Indian Black Money: The Swindler’s List by Ashish Khetan
It is almost two years since the German Government had passed on the names and bank account details of eighteen Indians who had stashed their alleged ill-gotten wealth in the LGT bank of Liechtenstein, a well-known tax haven nation, 190 km from Munich, Germany. Germany had officially handed over the list to the Indian Government on 18 March 2009. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee have since...
More »Sanjay Dixit, Central Employment Guarantee Council interviewed by Sreelatha Menon
Sanjay Dixit is a member of the Central Employment Guarantee Council, a statutory body set up under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA). He was initially chosen by Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi to head an NREGA cell in Uttar Pradesh where he has become an official whistleblower of sorts, unearthing several instances of fund diversion in many districts. He talks about the malaise in the five-year-old law that...
More »CBI arrests former Telecom Minister A Raja by Vinay Kumar
Former DoT Secretary Behura and Raja's aide Chandolia also taken into custody, to be produced in court today The Central Bureau of Investigation on Wednesday arrested the former Union Communications and Information Technology Minister, A. Raja, and two officers who had worked under him, for their role in the grant of licences and allocation of 2G spectrum during 2008 in violation of established guidelines and procedures. Mr. Raja (47), as well...
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