The Union budget writes off Rs.240 crore in corporate income tax every single day on average — the same amount leaves India each day in illicit fund flows to foreign banks. In six years from 2005-06, the Government of India wrote off corporate income tax worth Rs.3,74,937 crore — more than twice the 2G fraud — in successive Union budgets. The figure has grown every single year for which data are...
How not to tackle the black economy in India by Arun Kumar
Technically, we know how to check the black economy but the problem is political. More studies or committees and treaties with foreign governments are only to stall action. Another Joint Parliamentary Committee has been announced. The government has been trying to create an impression of being proactive with regard to tackling the black economy. The President's address and the speech by Sonia Gandhi in January mentioned the need to curb it....
More »Skipping Rote Memorization in Indian Schools by Vikas Bajaj
The Nagla elementary school in this north Indian town looks like many other rundown government schools. Sweater-clad children sit on burlap sheets laid in rows on cold concrete floors. Lunch is prepared out back on a fire of burning twigs and branches. But the classrooms of Nagla are a laboratory for an educational approach unusual for an Indian public school. Rather than being drilled and tested on reproducing passages from...
More »Hard questions about soft questions by P Sainath
There was in fact a successful auction of spectrum — only it was not conducted by the government but by its corporate sector cronies who made a fortune on the deal. On one pronouncement of his, you have to agree with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. His is not a ‘lame-duck government.' Cooked goose seems the more appropriate soubriquet. However, not a single new scam worth over Rs. 1 lakh crore has...
More »'Climate change threat to food security'
The two-day state-level research and extension specialists workshop for kharif crops organized by Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) was inaugurated on Monday. PAU vice-chancellor Dr MS Kang visited the exhibition of latest farm technologies that was put up on the occasion and released the publications 'Use of mat type nursery and transplanting machinery for paddy', 'Improved design and cost estimates of net houses', and 'Rainwater harvesting from rooftop for groundwater recharge'...
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