It was an achievement that Uttar Pradesh’s Majhwara village cherished, calling it a victory of ballot over bullet. A day after the cremation of her husband — revenue inspector Ram Kumar Yadav — Kamla Yadav won the election for the post of the pradhan of this village in Sultanpur district. Ram Kumar was kidnapped and murdered after the October 11 polling. He was targetted — allegedly by BSP legislator Chandrabhadra Singh alias...
Kerala won't be quite the same again by P Sainath
Women have rarely held posts of political authority in Kerala. There are, though, processes at play that could alter some things, a sense that big changes are under way. They will account for over 50 per cent of all 21, 682 wards in the 1,209 local bodies going to the polls. A single issue dogs all candidates in the local polls in Guruvayoor municipality of Kerala's Thrissur district. Any of the...
More »Farmers slam govt for selling land to pvt firms by Dipak Kumar Dash
Delhi farmers on Sunday demanded that there should be a provision for a judicial review of cases in which government acquired land for public purposes but later sold them at the market price to private firms. Representatives from different villages of rural Delhi made this demand at a mahapanchayat held in Mahipalpur, one of the capital's oldest villages. The farmers had gathered to protest against the "archaic" Land Acquisition and...
More »Farmers to meet ahead of new bill on land use by Dipak Kumar Dash
Ahead of the Central government's proposal to table the land acquisition amendment bill during the winter session, representatives of over 300 villages in Delhi are congregating to push the demand of abolishing the archaic rules, which they claim are against farmers. The mahapanchayat, which will be held at Mahipalpur on Sunday would largely talk about how the existing laws, including the Delhi Land Reforms Act, give absolute power to the government...
More »A non-starter from the start by Girish Agrawal
Paan kheti [betel vine cultivation] is our lifeline…why does the government want to destroy it and force us into being labourers?” asked Niranjan, a 60-plus-year-old farmer who would lose his betel vines to the Posco steel project in Orissa. This is one of the questions that haunted us,when we, a group of US-based researchers interested in the new economy of globalised India, started looking into the Posco project. We had...
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