-PTI Amid housing shortage of up to 25 million units in the country, Urban Development Secretary Sudhir Krishna on Friday said there are 11 million homes that are vacant as per the latest census figure and out of that 10 per cent lies in the national capital region. Addressing a real estate conference organised by the RICS, a global body to set standards for realty sector, Mr. Krishna said the Centre is...
Will parties help 50 million domestic helps get a fair deal? -Ambika Pandit
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Estimates say there are over 50 million of them in the country. Yet, domestic workers remain unrecognized and unaccounted for in the legal framework. Their demand for a legislation to recognize and regulate domestic work isn't new. But as India heads to the polls yet again, hardly any party raises their issues. Mostly women, domestic workers refuse to be drowned in the overarching definition "marginalized",...
More »The statistics of gender bias -Satyabrata Pal
-The Hindu The extent of violence against the girl as foetus and infant shows how deep the bias against women is and why they will be secure only if India introspects and changes Over the next few weeks, there will be many tussles between our mostly male politicians over India's security. But almost no one will ask if a country can be secure when half its citizens live in deepening insecurity, threatened...
More »Politicians under crime record bureau lens -Deeptiman Tiwary
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Lok Sabha polls are not only under the watch of the Election Commission and financial agencies for corrupt practices, but also under the scanner of National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). For the first time, the agency, under instructions from the home ministry, will collect data on poll-related offences such as liquor/money distribution, communal or hate speeches, false affidavits by politicians, poll violence, bogus voting and...
More »Save the farmer
-DNA Farmers' suicides are as much a consequence of indebtedness as the failure of the government to offer solutions to make agriculture a viable profession. Astring of farmers' suicides, in the aftermath of hailstorms and unseasonal rainfall over the past fortnight, in Maharashtra sheds light on the parlous state of Indian agriculture. National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) statistics tell us that over 2.8 lakh farmers have committed suicide since 1995. Though attempts...
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