CBI has registered more than 200 cases of corruption against government employees, including some senior officials, between January and March this year. “The CBI has registered 2,439 cases under the Prevention of Corruption Act against public servants including senior officers during the last three years (2007, 2008, 2009) and the current year (upto March 2010),” minister of state for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Prithviraj Chavan told Lok Sabha in a...
Food Bill | How 3 pages changed govt approach by Samar Halarnkar
The government’s effort to draft a seminal law to fight hunger is flawed, inadequate, opaque and “not in the spirit of the election promises” in the Congress manifesto, says a confidential note circulated to top ministers at a late-evening meeting on Monday. The three-page note—a copy of which is with the Hindustan Times—came from the office of finance minister Pranab Mukherjee and was handed to the select empowered group of ministers...
More »Backward Bihar goes for the smartest cards by SA Aiyar
India has launched its first high-tech census. Citizens will be photographed and will give 10 fingerprints each. The resultant database will be used to issue identity cards, and later smart cards, to all. All Indians will welcome high-tech smart cards. Yet the technological lead has been taken not by the census commissioner but, astonishingly, by Bihar. This state has just completed a pilot project for smart cards in Patna district,...
More »Labour’s love lost by Harsh Mander
For the preparation of the Commonwealth Games 2010, around Rs 17,400 crore have been spent on Delhi by the government over the past three years. The over-used word deployed by public leaders and officials to describe the city, which they hope will emerge from these exertions, is ‘world-class’. But forgotten are the men and women whose toil will make this ‘world-class’ city possible. At its peak in 2008-09, an estimated...
More »MCD trips on multi-crore ghost pension scam
After ghost employees, the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) is being haunted by ghost pensioners. According to the civic agency, it pays Rs 1.5 crore per month to ghost pensioners, which add up to Rs 17 crore per year. The civic agency issues cheques of Rs 1,000 each as pension to approximately two lakh widows and old people having no source of income. However, it has come to light that many...
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