-ANI Sunita Kumari, a twelve year old Dalit girl from Balthar Mod, Jharkhand, a student of class seven, was forced into marriage not once but twice. Her first tie-up was at the age of seven with a mentally challenged person residing in the nearby Siktia village. Soon after the marriage Sunita escaped from the trap and the first thing she did after coming back was to request her mother to let her...
Missing RTI activist found; was 'drugged' by Dwaipayan Ghosh
-The Times of India The 38-year-old RTI activist who had gone missing from Ghazipur on Thursday resurfaced on Saturday quite mysteriously. Shiv Kumar Tiwary, who had helped expose the MCD ghost employee scam, was traced in Muzaffarnagar in Uttar Pradesh, police said. "He was traced in Muzaffarnagar and brought to Delhi. He claimed that he wasn't hurt and didn't suspect anyone who could be behind the incident. He told us that...
More »How polio ‘exporter’ won a mental battle by Tapas Chakraborty
Just over five years ago, a global study had labelled India the world’s “lone polio exporter”, prompting the United Nations secretary-general to write a letter of concern to Manmohan Singh. Even three years ago, anti-polio workers in western Uttar Pradesh, then the disease’s epicentre in India, were often abused and driven away when they came to the villages for the vaccination programme. Such memories today flooded into the minds of doctors and...
More »Centre demystifies Maoists' modus operandi by Vishwa Mohan
Decoding the 'mystery' behind Maoists, the Centre has for the first time brought out in open many facts that have hitherto remained in official papers and urged aam aadmis to expose true colours of Red rebels in whatever ways they can, including use of social media like Facebook and twitter. In a document, brought out in the form of frequently asked questions (FAQs) last week, the Union home ministry has classified...
More »NRHM scam: 6 officials booked in accountant's murder
—PTI Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati faced the heat on the multi-crore National Rural Health Mission scam on Friday even as six health officials, including the chief medical officer, were booked on charges of criminal conspiracy and murder of an accountant in connection with the corruption case. An FIR, under sections 302 (murder) and 120B (criminal conspiracy), was lodged with the city police against six health officials, Additional Superintendent of Police Rajiv...
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