Total Matching Records found : 33358

Where is the staff to serve in rural areas and implement schemes?

Huge sums of money are allocated for the rural and agrarian sectors by the Union Government in its annual budget every year, and rightly so. But in the absence of an adequate number of officials in rural areas, can the various schemes and programmes of the government be implemented properly? We will find the answer if we think about this issue deeply and the answer that would emerge should bother...

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Myth of the pristine forest -Sharachchandra Lele , Atul Joshi and Purnima Upadhyay

-The indian Express Hardline conservationists fail to see possibilities of people-wildlife coexistence The COVID-19 pandemic has driven migrant workers back to their villages, including many situated inside or on the fringes of forested areas, including sanctuaries and national parks. Even as they seek to remake livelihoods there, a new battle has emerged between the forest department (FD) and these local communities. It pertains to the declaration of a Critical Wildlife Habitat (CWH),...

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Online Janata Parliament to be held between 16th August and 21st August, 2020 by civil society organisations and peoples' movements

-Press release by Jan Sarokar (People's Agenda), dated 14th August, 2020 This is to invite you to participate in a Janta Parliament being organised by several civil society organisation networks and peoples’ movements from 16th August to 21st August from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. The inauguration will happen on 16th August at 11:00 am. Justice AP Shah, Syeda Hameed, Jignesh Mevani and Soni Sori will be speaking at the inauguration. The...

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Farmers cash in on demand for immunity boosters -Catherine Gilon With no signs of the coronavirus infection abating, moringa farmers in Tamil Nadu use the increasing demand for natural immunity boosters to their advantage, by value addition Karur, Tamil Nadu: As Tamil Nadu fights an uphill battle against coronavirus, with 52,759 confirmed cases, as on 07 August 2020, there has been an increased demand from the public for natural immunity boosters such as turmeric and moringa. Karur Moringa and Vegetable Farmers Producer...

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Gender-sensitive response to the climate crisis -Romit Sen

-india Water Portal Gender-transformative approaches are needed for climate adaptation, to lessen the stresses that force people to migrate. A crowd of people jostling by the ticket counter at Jhansi railway station in Uttar Pradesh; men and women, some with families in tow, boarding trains to Delhi, Lucknow, Mumbai and other big cities. These are common sights during the summer months at Jhansi, a major town and railway junction. People from rural...

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