The Tamil Nadu government today said it will not allow cultivation of genetically modified brinjal and the earlier assurance given in this regard by Chief Minister M Karunanidhi was "final". "The chief minister had said the state will not allow Bt Brinjal. And that is the final word. We will not allow (cultivation) of Bt brinjal," Agriculture Minister Veerapandi S Arumugam informed the Assembly. The Bt brinjal issue had been firmly opposed...
Remote Indian state set for development
A new drive has started to bring development to the remote north-eastern Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh. In a letter from the region, the BBC's former India correspondent Mark Tully says there are fears that it will undermine the traditional tribal culture of the area and alienate the population. Driving from the east of Arunachal Pradesh to its oldest town, Pasighat, I was made all too aware of the state's underdevelopment....
More »Vision 2010: a dangerous myopia by Amiya Kumar Bagchi
The Central budget of 2010-11 is a further step in the realisation of a vision of India vibrant with the income, wealth, saving, education and the entrepreneurial energy of the top 5-10 per cent of the population and the rest of Indians, serving that minority and surviving as barely literate, malnourished multitude. With the accession of Rajiv Gandhi to power, a vision began to germinate. That vision was that of...
More »Aggrieved farmers leave for Delhi
Over 1,500 people comprising farmers, residents and activists who have been affected by the Bangalore-Mysore Infrastructure Corridor Project around Bangalore, began their journey to the national capital from the City Railway Station on Sunday afternoon to voice their protest. For many, it is their first trip to New Delhi, and as a group, they felt they had a lot of opportunities to exchange ideas and develop bonds. Janata Dal (Secular)...
More »Don't just shed tears for whistleblowers, put systems in place to protect them by Arvind Kejriwal
Satish Shetty's murder raises some critical issues. Before everyone forgets him, can we learn some lessons and put such systems in place so that such murders do not take place in future? Before Shetty, Satyendra Dubey, Manjunath and many others died fighting corruption. It raises two issues — timely and effective investigation into allegations of corruption and security of those who raise their voices. Do we have an effective and...
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