-The Hindu The Centre has raked in nearly Rs.16 lakh crore through excise duty on petroleum products between FY15 and FY21 In India, crude oil prices have risen to a near three-year high. Subsequently, the retail prices of petrol and diesel, which were already high due to heavy Tax Rates, became higher in India. Notably, in recent times, whenever crude prices have been on the rise, the burden has been passed on...
Growing Distress and a Falling Unemployment Rate: What is going on in the labour market? -Ishan Anand and Anjana Thampi
-TheIndiaForum.in The Periodic Labour Force Survey for 2019-20 has thrown up some unusual and contradictory patterns in employment and unemployment. However, the trends in the labour market over three years of the PLFS from 2017-18 onwards are clear and cause for worry. The pandemic has had a disastrous impact on lives and livelihoods. The national lockdown of March–May 2020 will be remembered for its devastating neglect of migrant workers and the unprecedented,...
More »The Global Minimum Corporate Tax: Not High Enough, Not Fair Enough -CP Chandrasekhar
-TheIndiaForum.in ‘While the global minimum tax proposal is a step forward, that step is disappointingly short of what is needed and possible.’ Following years of negotiations, most nations in the world now appear to be willing to align their corporate tax regimes to prevent multinationals from evading taxation in the jurisdictions in which they operate. They have now tentatively agreed on the need for a global minimum corporate Tax Rate and a...
More »Official data corroborates deepening of livelihood crisis in urban areas during the 2020 nationwide lockdown
The recently released quarterly Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) data broadly confirms the dip in employment and jobs during the countrywide lockdown period, followed by a certain degree of recovery in the post-lockdown months last year as have been indicated by various survey-based studies and research papers. The quarterly bulletin on PLFS provides data on key employment and unemployment indicators i.e. Unemployment Rate (UR), Worker Population Ratio (WPR) and Labour...
More »Citizen's Report on Year Two of the NDA-II Government 2020-2021: Promises and Reality, Civil Society Initiative, Coordinated by Wada Na Todo Abhiyan, released in July, 2021
-Citizen's Report on Year Two of the NDA-II Government 2020-2021: Promises and Reality, Civil Society Initiative, Coordinated by Wada Na Todo Abhiyan, released in July, 2021 “Promises & Reality – Citizens’ Report on the Year Two of the NDA II Government, 2020-21” is a collective work by eminent members and organisations of the Indian civil society. The report covers a wide array of concerns and issues in thematic areas including health,...
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