-The Hindu One lakh LIG/EWS housing units to be ready in three years Delhi Development Authority vice-chairman G. S. Patnaik on Tuesday reaffirmed the Authority's intention to deliver one lakh housing units for low-income and economically weaker sections of society within three years. He said construction of 20,040 EWS houses using prefab-technology was progressing and he expected to deliver 8,000 of these units in 2012. Mr. Patnaik said that 12,000 demand letters were...
A Hell In Eternity by Amba Batra Bakshi
Greedy lawyers and lack of awareness condemn women undertrials twice over Kanimozhis All? Total number of male and female convicts in India: 1,23,941; Number of undertrials: 2,50,204 Number of female prisoners: 15,406; Female undertrials: 10,687 Female prisoners compromise 4.1 per cent of the prison population 469 women convicts with their 556 children and 1,196 undertrials with their 1,314 children are in prisons across the country Official capacity of prisons in...
More »The glory and the blemishes of the Indian news media by Amartya Sen
One of the great achievements of India is our free and vibrant press. This is an accomplishment of direct relevance to the working of democracy. Authoritarianism flourishes not only by stifling opposition, but also by systematically suppressing information. The survival and flowering of Indian democracy owes a great deal to the freedom and vigour of our press. There are so many occasions when, sitting even in Europe or in America,...
More »Kushwaha co-accused held, he may be next
-The Times of India After registering five FIRs in National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) scam, the Central Bureau of Investigation is now moving ahead and has arrested Former Uttar Pradesh bureaucrat P K Jain on Thursday. In another development, sources said that they are planning to book P K Jain and other accused persons in disproportionate assets case. Jain has been arrested in the case in which sacked BSP leader Babu Singh...
More »Team Anna reviews poll plan by Himanshi Dhawan
Wary of a political backlash after its campaign against Congress in last year's Hisar Lok Sabha by-poll and the lukewarm response to Anna Hazare's Mumbai stir, Team Anna is divided on whether to extend the anti-Congress movement to poll-bound states. Team Anna's concerns increased after BJP was severely criticized for accepting former BSP minister Babu Singh Kushwaha into its fold and Congress asked whether the activists will turn their guns towards...
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