-Scroll.in In August Delhi High Court set aside the state government’s March 2017 notification raising minimum Wages. Lata Rani, 32, is a caretaker at a Delhi government school in Jhandewalan. She joined in 2015 for a salary of Rs 7,300 a month which was raised to Rs 11,000 in March 2017. When she went to collect her pay this month, Rani was in for a shock: her salary had been cut...
Lip service to labour rights -Indira Hirway
-The Hindu The exodus of migrant labour from Gujarat highlights the indifference of States to their well being and rights Gujarat is one of the top States in India that receive migrant workers, largely temporary and seasonal, on a large scale. In Gujarat, they work in unskilled or semi-skilled jobs in a wide range of activities such as in agriculture, brick kilns and construction work, salt pans and domestic work, petty services...
More »Time women farmers got a better deal -Purvi Mehta
-The Hindu Business Line They account for a third of the agricultural workforce, but don’t get the benefits and opportunities the menfolk enjoy India celebrated its first Women Farmer’s Day on October 15, but the word farmer or kisan is still seen as being synonymous with a male farm worker. This perception is built on two assumptions — first, farming is a masculine profession; and, second, when women are involved in farm...
More »Global Index reveals governments split between fighting and fueling inequality
-Press Release by Oxfam India dated 9 October 2018 Nigeria, Singapore, India and Argentina are among a group of governments that are fueling inequality, according to a newly released edition of the Commitment to Reducing Inequality Index developed by Oxfam and Development Finance International. The Index ranks 157 countries on their policies on social spending, tax, and labor rights - three areas the organizations say are critical to reducing inequality. It...
More »The time is ripe for unity -Prabhat Patnaik
-The Telegraph Over 1.5 lakh farm and industrial workers walked together in Delhi on September 5, not because no one thought of it sooner, but because the conditions have now been created to prompt it On September 5 an event of great significance occurred in the capital: more than 1.5 lakh workers, peasants and agricultural labourers staged a rally on Parliament Street. The capital has certainly seen much bigger rallies in the...
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