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Farmers committing suicide due to failed crop, not love affairs: Will 'Skill India' provide relief? -Valay Singh

-The Economic Times Premshankar Meena, 20, didn't kill himself for his love. He didn't because he was addicted to drugs, either, whether agriculture minister Radha Mohan Singh believes that or not. In July, when asked if the "lack of support to poor and small Farmers by way of greater inputs and better support price for their produce" was the main reason for rising suicides, Singh said: "According to NCRB [National Crime...

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Plate to Plough: The hands that feed us -Ashok Gulati

-The Indian Express Indian agriculture has made remarkable progress since 1947 and credit for this goes mainly to the Farmer. Now we need to repay our debt to the agricultural community As India celebrates its 68th year of independence, it is time to pause and look back at the major challenges we have faced since Independence and how they were overcome, as well as at the mistakes and follies we committed...

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Free power, the bane of farming in Punjab -Arvinder Walia & Jasmine Sharma

-The Hindu Business Line No crop diversification efforts will work so long as free electricity offsets the costs of pumping out groundwater Subsidies have for long been a necessary evil, a vote-bank silver bullet. But its relevance stands challenged in today’s increasingly market-oriented economic order. The recent US declaration of giving differential treatment to developing countries, with regard to farm subsidies, brings up the long standing issue of slashing subsidies that have...

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The slaughter of suicide data -P Sainath

-Frontline Changing the way you count changes the count. THE total number of Farmer suicides in the country since 1995 crossed the 3,00,000-mark in 2014. However, the 2014 data are not comparable with 19 earlier years of farm suicide data. This is because of major changes in the methodology of the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). With the new parameters, the number of Farmer suicides in 2014 falls to 5,650. That is...

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They sow seeds of success, pave way for others

-The Times of India BELAGAVI: At a time when the state is witnessing a spate of Farmers' suicides owing to mounting debts and crop failure, a group of 12 landless Farmers in Geddalabavihatti village in Belagavi taluk are writing a success story with hard work and a never-say-die attitude. When they decided to take up farming on about 45 acres of barren land owned by the state government about four years ago,...

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