-IndiaSpend.com So far, only a few states such as Karnataka and Tamil Nadu had made available millets and that too only in certain pockets. The union government proposes to include coarse grains such as jowar (sorghum), bajra (pearl millet) and ragi (finger millet) in the mid-day meal programme in schools and also distribute it through the government subsidised food programme, the public distribution system (PDS), agriculture secretary SK Patnaik said recently. This announcement...
Policy Brief - The Key to Resolving Straw Burning: Farmers' expertise
-Maastricht University The Policy Brief entitled 'The Key to Resolving Straw Burning: Farmers' expertise' was produced under the project Responsible Innovation in Biogas in India, which was funded by the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO) and executed at Maastricht University. In the brief, the researchers call for the following policy actions: * Establish comprehensive working groups to engage with issues of straw burning, air pollution, agricultural practices and industries. * Notably, expertise on...
More »Budget 2018: Arun Jaitley Starts Pre-Budget Consultations, To Focus on Agricultural Productivity
-NDTV In the pre-budget consultations, Arun Jaitley said that in order to achieve the goal of doubling the farmer's income by 2022, there is need for better storage and marketing facilities for the farmers' produce The Union Minister of Finance Arun Jaitley said that there is a need to conserve water, incentivize agro processing and promote balanced use of fertilizers in order to ensure higher agriculture productivity. The Finance Minister said that...
More »Union Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley Holds Pre-Budget Consultation Meeting with the representatives of different Agriculture Groups
-Press Information Bureau/ Ministry of Finance The Union Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs Shri Arun Jaitley said that there is a need to conserve water, incentivize agro processing and promote balanced use of fertilizers in order to ensure higher agriculture productivity. The Finance Minister said that in order to achieve the goal of doubling the farmer’s income by 2022, there is need for better storage and marketing facilities for the...
More »PMO panel on Delhi air reviews crop burning options -Dipak K Dash
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: With the Sri Lankan cricket team's dramatic protest against playing conditions highlighting the mounting embarrassment over Delhi's pollution, a PMO-headed panel met on Monday and reviewed the need for more accurate real-time monitoring of air quality and measures to control stubble burning. The monitoring of air quality and pollutants was considered necessary so that the sources of Delhi's bad air could be mapped and understood, and...
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