-The Times of India Prem Das Rai, an MP from Sikkim, knew that development indicators from his state were exceptional. But his office didn't know how to showcase them. He reached out to Swaniti, a Delhi-based not-for-profit organization that has been working "consulting style" with parliamentarians. Their portal called Jigyasa aims to answer questions like Rai's. Rwitwika Bhattacharya, Swaniti's founder-CEO, was surprised at what they uncovered. "I always thought that the...
Modified paddy cultivation method seems to hold better promise-MJ Prabu
-The Hindu Rice, a major crop in Andhra Pradesh, is cultivated using water from borewells, tanks or open wells. Since the crop grows in standing water ground water depletion is usually high especially during summer. In addition to the water shortage, non-availability of labour on time is also increasing the cost of production, forcing farmers to give up rice cultivation citing low productivity and high labour costs as reasons. Different approach A different look...
More »El Nino likely to cause loss of Rs 1,80,000 crore this year: ASSOCHAM -Soma Basu
-Down to Earth Studies indicate high food inflation As Met office predicts below normal rainfall because of El Nino this year, a study by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) has projected a 1.75 per cent GDP reduction and loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs in the unskilled sector. The report released recently says that five per cent deficit rainfall forecast by the India Meteorological Department (IMD) will...
More »Farmers will get unique ID number
-The Business Standard Agriculture dept has begun the process of collecting data on farmers and their lands Mysore (Karnataka): Process is on to provide unique identification numbers, similar to ‘Aadhaar' issued by the Unique Identification of Authority of India, to farmers in Karnataka. Under the scheme, all details about farmers and their lands, collected under the ‘K-Kisan' scheme, will be pooled and a unique identification number like the ‘Aadhaar' will be issued to...
More »Nabard supports 46 projects to create rural jobs-Gireesh Babu
-The Business Standard Of the 46 projects, some have been scaled up after completion of pilot projects Chennai: The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Nabard) has supported 46 innovative projects, through its Nabard-SDC Rural Innovation Fund (RIF), as on February 2014. The fund was set up jointly with the Swiss Agency for Development and Co-operation (SDC). These projects were sponsored so as to create more jobs in the rural areas...
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