-The Times of India BAREILLY (U.P.): After a Bareilly-based activist filed a complaint with National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) that there are nearly 2 lakh malnutrition children in the state and the government is not taking appropriate steps in the matter, the commission has directed UP chief secretary to take appropriate action in the matter and submit an action-taken report in four weeks. Rajesh Chaudhary, a Bareilly-based activist, had lodged a complaint...
Government Denies Marital Rape Occurs, National Survey Shows 5.4% of Married Women Are Victims -Anoo Bhuyan
-TheWire.in Data from the National Health and Family Survey records marital rape even as Indian law has yet to criminalise it. New Delhi: “Physically forced her to have sexual intercourse with him even when she did not want to.” This is a category of spousal violence which the Indian government records data for. And according to the latest National Health and Family Survey (NFHS-4) for 2015-16, 5.4% women have experienced marital rape, under...
More »T.N. children are severely malnourished, says report -Vidya Venkat
-The Hindu Experts fault anaemia among women in child-bearing age and poor sanitation Chennai: Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) is high among under-5 children at 8% in Tamil Nadu, according to the National Family Health Survey-4 (NFHS-4) data released in 2017. Defined by a very low weight-for-height and by visible severe wasting, or by the presence of nutritional oedema (swelling of feet, for example), according to the World Health Organization (WHO), SAM incidence among...
More »The ABC of the RTE -Maninder Kaur Dwivedi
-The Hindu Open-minded adoption of the RTE Act’s enabling provisions can radically transform school education Free and compulsory education of children in the 6 to 14 age group in India became a fundamental right when, in 2002, Article 21-A was inserted in the 86th Amendment to the Constitution. This right was to be governed by law, as the state may determine, and the enforcing legislation for this came eight years later, as...
More »Niti Aayog and Union HRD ministry compete over state education roadmaps -Shreya Roy Chowdhury
-Scroll.in Both want states to take their advice in restructuring their primary schools. Government think-tank Niti Aayog’s collaboration with THRee state education departments appears to have set off friction with the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development. An official of the Niti Aayog, who did not want to be identified, said the ministry has objected to the think-tank’s programme called Sustainable Action for Transforming Human Capital, or SATH. Under the programme,...
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