-PTI AHMEDABAD: A prominent agriculture analyst has proposed setting up of income commission at national and state levels for Farmers, which will guarantee them specific monthly income against the backdrop of agrarian crisis. "An income commission should be formed for Farmers, under which they would be entitled to get a minimum monthly income on the basis of their production and the area under cultivation," said Devinder Sharma. He was speaking to reporters on...
Clouds of gloom -Niranjan Takle
-The Week Vagaries of the weather are not the only reason for Marathwada's agrarian crisis Three widows, two daughters and an overwhelming sense of grief occupy the house of the Palwes in Kekat Jalgaon in Paithan, Aurangabad. The house lost all its men there were three in the past three years. The Palwe widows, Yashoda, Chandrabhaga and Lakshmibai, and Yashoda's two daughters, Suman, 8, and Sarita, 6, live in a hut without...
More »Drought, beef ban force distress sale of cattle in villages -Priyanka Kakodkar
-The Times of India YAVATMAL: The first thing that strikes you about Dahegaon village is its run-down and abandoned bullock-carts. They can be found lying outside most huts, with their paint peeling off, almost frozen in time. The animals which used to operate the carts are no longer there. Nearly half the village of 5,000 people sold has off its bullocks over the last few months, says sarpanch S M Balki. The...
More »The root of the farm crisis in India -Roshan Kishore
-Livemint.com Politics and bad economics have led to the current agricultural crisis in India With around 65% of India’s agriculture depending on rain and more than half the population on agriculture, too little or too much rain is always a harbinger of trouble. On occasions like these, accusations of the government of the day being anti-Farmer replace all other charges in polemics. Something similar has happened this year, as erratic weather has...
More »Saving agriculture from weather woes -Divya Pandey and Avinash Kishore
-Livemint.com The agriculture sector continues to be at risk from climate variability, be it drought or excessive rainfall Unseasonal rains and hailstorms in March and April caused severe damage to more than 10 million hectares of wheat, mustard, potato and other rabi crops. Independent estimates project damages to be as high as Rs.65,000 crore. In Haryana alone, standing crops in over 1.7 million hectares of land were affected. Unexpected rainfall late...
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