-The Hindu The West Bengal government on Monday tabled the Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Rules Act, 2011, which gives the government the option of giving unwilling land owners at the disputed plot at Singur a quantum of land equivalent to what they had lost. The Rules, which were laid in the Legislative Assembly by State Industry Minister Partha Chatterjee, defines an unwilling owner as someone who owns a plot of...
Hazare, Ramdev trying to dictate terms to Centre, says Pranab by Raktima Bose
“Draft Lokpal Bill will be introduced in monsoon session of Parliament” Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on Sunday accused social activists Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev of trying to “dictate” terms to the Centre and “weakening” parliamentary democracy by threatening an indefinite fast to get their demands accepted. At a press conference here, Mr. Mukherjee also criticised the Bharatiya Janata Party for backing the anti-graft movement in a bid “to capture...
More »UGC to review schemes for target groups by Basant Kumar Mohanty
The University Grants Commission has set up four committees to review educational development schemes for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, minorities and women, the relook prompted by statistics that show the measures haven’t been all that effective. While the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in higher education for all categories in 2007-08 was 13.58, the corresponding percentage for SCs was 11.62 and for STs 9.86 per cent, according to HRD ministry figures for...
More »NE MPs: Strengthen vigilance, monitoring committees
-Hueiyen News Service Members of Parliament from North Eastern States including three MPs from Manipur Rishang Keishing, Dr.Th Meinya and Thangso Baite demanded strengthening of the Vigilance and Monitoring Committee (VMC)s, which conduct social audit on the implementation of NREGA in the districts, with powers to the local MPs so that they could play an effective role in the implementation, monitoring and vigilance of the flagship programmes related to rural...
More »Centre cuts down MGNREGS Grants to State by Prakash Kugve
The Centre has decided to cut down the Grants to the State under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS). It has also asked the State government to follow certain instructions with regard to the effective implementation of the scheme. The State will be receiving Rs 1,972.97 crore for 2011-12, as against Rs 2,107.93 crore last year. The State had asked the chief executive officers of the Zilla Panchayats to...
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