-The Hindu A group of 15 experts from various fields has been set up by the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) to interact with Tamil Nadu government officials and spokespersons of the people in the neighbourhood of Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KKNNP) to dispel the apprehensions of the locals on the safety of reactors. Manmohan's assurance The decision follows Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's assurance to a multi-party delegation from Tamil Nadu on October...
Neoliberal Plan by Venkitesh Ramakrishnan
The Planning Commission's Approach Paper to the Twelfth Plan sticks with the neoliberal agenda despite claims of inclusive growth. INCLUSIVE was one word that came up time and again in the early announcements of the Planning Commission on the Twelfth Five-Year Plan. “Faster, Sustainable and More Inclusive Growth” was the slogan coined for the Plan and there was the promise of widespread consultations as never before as part of the processes...
More »National panel on ST ends Guj visit
-The Times of India The National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST) wound up its six-day visit to Gujarat on Monday without meeting any of the voluntary agencies working on tribal rights in the state's eastern belt. NCST chairman Rameshwar Oraon told newspersons that he relied on feedback from "only those NGOs which were suggested by the state government", such as Agha Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP) and Sadguru Foundation, both of whom...
More »10.5 lakh Class IX, X students to teach 1.2 crore illiterate people in Bihar
-PTI In a bid to eradicate illiteracy in Bihar, the state government has decided to rope in 10.5 lakh class IX and X students to educate 1.2 crore adult illiterate people in Bihar. The plan will be executed under a five-month literacy campaign 'Sakshar Bharat Yojana' to be launched from November 11 next, according to an HRD official. Under the proposal, as many as 10.50 lakh class IX and X students will be...
More »Expert group moots a new national health regulatory authority by Aarti Dhar
A report by an expert group on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) has suggested wide-ranging institutional reforms to regulate the public and the private sectors to ensure assured quality and rational pricing of healthcare services. The group, set up by the Planning Commission to develop a blue print and investment plan to meet the human resource requirements to achieve health for all by 2020, focuses on rational use of drugs. The extensive...
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