The over 2 lakh gram panchayats across the country will have to start recording their sittings in audio and video by the end of this month to bring transparency to proceedings, the panchayati raj ministry has ordered. The ministry issued a detailed order last December to all states and Union territories and warned that any panchayat failing to follow the rule would suffer cuts in funds to run government programmes. “This is...
CAG critical of tribal funds diversion
-Express News Service Diversion of huge funds from tribal area sub-plan (TASP) provisions for implementation of projects in other areas has been opposed by the Opposition political parties. The issue was also raised several times by tribal legislators cutting across party lines in different sessions of the Assembly. The Comptroller and Audit General (CAG) has taken exception to large-scale diversion of funds from the TASP to other projects in its latest report...
More »Developmental Programmes for Tribals
-Press Information Bureau The Ministry of Tribal Affairs is implementing Central Sector, Centrally Sponsored and Special Area Programme for the integrated socio-economic development of all Scheduled Tribes in the country. These schemes/programmes are meant for welfare of the tribal people, including those living in Maoist affected areas. A list of majorschemes/programmes of the Ministry is Annexed. The Integrated Action Plan (IAP) was approved on 25.11.2010 for 60 selected tribal and backward...
More »Tribal Education Loan Scheme
-Press Information Bureau The National Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporation (NSTFDC) has launched an Education Loan Scheme for students belonging to scheduled Tribes in the country in the month of November, 2011. The requirement for availing benefits of the scheme are that the annual family income of the Scheduled Tribe candidate shall be upto double the poverty line and the candidate is willing to pursue technical/professional education, including Ph.D. in...
More »Tribals oppose reserve
-The Deccan Chronicle Tribal organisations and Adivasi leaders, fighting against a proposal to develop Kawal wildlife sanctuary as a tiger reserve by evicting adivasis dwelling there for a long time, are willing to discuss the issue only if the state government is ready to hold gram sabhas, a prerequisite for setting up any project under the PESA (Panchayat Raj Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996. District officials concerned have declared the...
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