-Business Standard The ordinance has returned near absolute power of discretion in land acquisition, except in tribal areas, into the hands of the bureaucracy yet again Even after the National Democratic Alliance's land ordinance, governments will still need the consent of tribal gram sabhas in all Schedule V and VI areas of the country before acquiring land for themselves or for public-private projects. While the land ordinance has done away with the need...
India experiences twin monsoon failure, first time in 10 years -Harish Damodaran
-The Financial Express For the first time in a decade, India has experienced deficient rainfall in both the main south-west as well as the north-east monsoon seasons. According to data from the India Meteorological Department (IMD), the country as a whole received an average rainfall of 85.2 mm during October 1 to December 31, 33 per cent below the "normal" long period average of 127.2 mm for this period. That translated into a...
More »We are sucking up groundwater fast -Hamza Khan
-The Indian Express Lucknow: Indiscriminate extraction of groundwater is continuing unabated in Uttar Pradesh with the number of blocks over-exploiting the natural resource registering three-fold hike in seven years. Number of such blocks is now pegged at 111, as per the latest data compiled by the Uttar Pradesh Ground Water Department for 2011. The groundwater data is compiled by the department every two years and analysed, before being released. As per...
More »Odisha to bring agri resource allocation plan this fiscal -Sadananda Mohapatra
-Business Standard The plan will ensure effective distribution of resources from various schemes Bhubaneswar (Odisha): The agricultural directorate will prepare a resource allocation plan by end of March 2015, after consulting Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology (OUAT) and district planning committees. The aim of the plan will be to identify needs to develop farm products yield in each district such as planning to invest in soil preparation, crop diversification or irrigation...
More »GreenPHABLET developed to help small holder Farmers -Vijdan Saleem
-Down to Earth It provides Farmers with services to improve productivity and find better prices A non-profit based in Telangana, working on agricultural research and development, has launched a low-cost phone cum tablet computer-phablet-to benefit small holder Farmers. "GreenPHABLET will allow information to be precisely targeted to individual smallholder Farmers, helping them to purchase inputs at a lower price and get a better price for their produce. It will also link them to...
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