Total Matching Records found : 6291

Skepticism about HDRs by Bibek Debroy

This seems to be season for Human Development Reports (HDRs). UNDP's global HDR for 2011 has been published. In that, the headline grabbing number was that India is ranked 134th out of 186 countries. This ranking is based on HDI (human development index), a composite indicator with three sub-heads of health (life expectancy), education (literacy, gross enrollment ratio) and PPP per capita income. HDI ranges between 0 and 1 and...

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Banks should lead the war on poverty by MS Swaminathan

At BANCON (annual bankers' conference) 2011 in Chennai, financial institutions explored avenues for greater participation in agriculture and rural development. There are a few areas in need of additional attention and investment. Green Revolution technologies are scale-neutral but not resource-neutral. Inputs are needed for output; therefore market-purchased inputs become important in providing soil and plant healthcare for higher yields. Social scientists point out that small and marginal farmers will be excluded...

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ICAR proposes 100 more Krishi Vigyan Kendras for larger districts in 12th Plan

-The Pioneer   With an aim to bring about the second green revolution through adoption of effective scientific agricultural methods, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) under Agriculture Ministry has proposed 100 more Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK) across the country in the 12th Plan. In a proposal sent to the apex planning body, Planning Commission, ICAR has said that in big districts, one KVK is not effective as farmers have to travel...

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Justice Katju scores a self-goal by Subir Roy

Justice Markandey Katju has done his own mission, supervising the responsible functioning of the media, a disservice. By criticising the media through sweeping generalisations and with extreme naïvete, he has got its back up, provoking a sharp reaction from the Editors Guild instead of a willingness to talk and sort things out. A lifetime spent in issuing obiter dicta has ill-equipped Justice Katju in the communication skills needed to carry...

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Tuberculosis breakthrough as scientists get funds for 'electronic nose' by Mark Tran

A mobile device that detects TB by 'sniffing' a person's breath will make a huge impact in villages far from health facilities A team of Indian Researchers are planning to have a prototype of an "electronic nose" that can detect tuberculosis from a person's breath in hospitals by October 2013, after receiving a $950,000 grant on Monday. Working on the same principles as a breathalyser, the device – if successful – could...

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