-The Times of India The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) has asked the Uttar Pradesh government to ensure security of its officials who would start probe into the alleged financial irregularities into the National Rural Health Mission. The CAG office has writen a letter to UP chief secretary and the principal secretary, health and family welfare, expressing concern over the security of its probe team, comprising 50 auditors in addition to...
Do bigha zameen by Mahesh Rangarajan
The Land Acquisition Bill is a key issue before Parliament this monsoon session. A look at history would be useful. The concern with the extent and spread of agricultural land is not new. But the way in which it is being addressed certainly is. Much of the criticism of the Land Acquisition Bill has been about the provisions to safeguard irrigated, double cropped land. It is true these provisions will be...
More »The Wanton Sins Of The Soil by Lola Nayar
Bellary is only the tip of the rotting earthmound. Can a new proposed legislation clear the air? Two years ago, when the ministry of mines decided to use satellite imaging to survey projects, it unearthed several “unusual activities” across the country. “The amount of mining done and material being exported didn’t match in areas where certain companies had been given licences,” recounts a former senior bureaucrat with the mines ministry....
More »Mamata junks Basu-era land lever by Meghdeep Bhattacharyya
Mamata Banerjee has reintroduced an administrative structure to bring land and land reforms officials under the district administration’s “direct supervision” in a move aimed at injecting accountability and reining in staff close to the Left that had scrapped the system. The Jyoti Basu government had abolished the British-era structure in 1989, bringing in decentralisation but allowing Alimuddin Street to pack the department with chosen officials who would bypass the district administration...
More »'Gandhi Trust got land fairly'
-The Hindustan Times The government on Wednesday defended the allotment of land to the Rajiv Gandhi Charitable Trust in Haryana, saying it was done with the "full consent" of the village panchayat. "The land allotment had the full consent of the panchayat which had unanimously passed a resolution for leasing it for 33 years," I&B Minister Ambika Soni told reporters outside Parliament House. The land allotment to the trust in Gurgaon's...
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