Continuing its grilling of corporate honchos, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Thursday questioned at least seven of them in connection with its ongoing probe into the 2G spectrum scam. The CBI called R.K. Krishna Kumar, who heads the Tata Realty and Infrastructure Private Ltd., to its headquarters here and quizzed him for nearly six hours. Mr. Kumar is also a board member of Tata Sons. Tata Realty Managing Director Sanjay...
Infrastructure push vital to achieve growth target by Sujay Mehdudia
Continued poor performance of some key infrastructure sectors cause for concern As India is on the path of achieving 8.5 per cent economic growth, aiming to exceed the 9 per cent growth mark next fiscal, the biggest worrying factor that could derail this horse power of growth and play spoilsport in the “growth story” of the UPA II government is the poor state of infrastructure and its tardy pace of development...
More »The problems of fisherfolk need better coverage by S Viswanathan
A recent newspaper report noted that the Union Government had gazetted the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification 2011 and received strong criticism from organisations that work for protecting coastal ecosystems and fight for the rights and welfare of fisherfolk. About 20 organisations working in the field of protecting fishermen's rights and lawyers backing them have taken strong exception to the notification. This is on the ground that the new notification,...
More »Kerala’s pesticide puzzle by Shaju Philip
Twice every year, between 1981 and 2000, a helicopter would whirr around the hills of the Western Ghats in Kasargod, a district in north Kerala bordering Karnataka, spraying endosulfan over the cashew plantations on the upper reaches. Children would rush out to take a look at the helicopter and the white spray would settle like mist on their heads and on leaves and shimmer in the sunlight. But that’s also...
More »Of margins and the marginalised by Jayati Ghosh
The countrywide share of corporate retail in food distribution tripled in the past four years when retail food prices showed the greatest increase. THE dramatic increase in food inflation over the past two years has been associated with several surprises. One major surprise has been how the top economic policymakers in the country have responded to it. The initial response was one of apparent disbelief, followed very quickly by the...
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