A fall in the rate of inflation (on point to point basis) in Consumer Food Price Index (CFPI) from 8.35 percent in July to 5.91 percent in August this year is indicative of the positive developments that has taken PLAce during recent months in the agricultural sector, which is expected to further cool off food prices in the near future. A document from the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare...
Labour's love's lost -TT Ram Mohan
-The Hindu The proposed labour reforms seek to weaken worker protection at a time when the Indian economy is not creating enough jobs, and the right kind of jobs. On September 2, 10 trade unions in India organised what was said to be one of the largest labour strikes in history. An estimated 120 million workers took part. The unions were protesting against the government’s unwillingness to grant a 12-point charter of...
More »Poor sanitation cost India 5.2% of its GDP -Sushmita Sengupta
-Down to Earth Lack of access to sanitation wiped off US $106.7 billion from India's GDP in 2015. It is almost half of the total global losses A report—True cost of sanitation—was published jointly by the LIXIL Group Corporation, Water Aid and Oxford Economics recently. Oxford Economics mainly works on economic forecasting and modelling. It says that in 2015 lack of access to sanitation cost the global economy around US $ 222.9...
More »Govt panel fails to define 'poverty line', says form another group to do the job -Moushumi Das Gupta
-Hindustan Times Just how many people in India are poor? The question remains unanswered with yet another government panel failing to define an official “poverty line”. After a year and half of work , a 16-member task force headed by NITI Aayog vice chairman Arvind Panagariya has failed to reach a consensus and suggested to the government that another panel of specialists be asked to do the job. HT has a copy of...
More »Maharashtra sniffs Rs 800 crore fodder scam during Congress-NCP regime -Bhavika Jain
-The Times of India MUMBAI: Cattle fodder camps that were opened in the state during the drought years are under the scanner for large-scale irregularities and the government PLAns to investigate the organizations that managed these camps. Senior state government officials said the BJP-Sena government wants to audit the 1,288 cattle camps that were opened in different parts of the state between 2012 and 2014 by the Congress-NCP government. The then government...
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