Total Matching Records found : 12633

Bio inputs give better yield for brinjal growers in Chittoor, AP-MJ Prabu

-The Hindu There is a general view that agriculture is not a remunerative profession. But for those who continue to do farming, there seems to be no choice. Either they leave the fields fallow or sell the lands for quick money. "Reasons for being unremunerative are many like high cost of inputs, inability to break even in profit, marketing etc. But in spite of all these problems there are people like...

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No benefits for beneficiaries-Anumeha Yadav

-The Hindu     Nearly three years after the government began experimenting with Aadhaar-based payments in Jharkhand, it has not been able to start disbursing payments to beneficiaries at their doorstep Jharkhand was one of five pilot States chosen for an Aadhaar-enabled payment system (AEPS). Beginning with Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) payments in select blocks in four districts in 2012, AEPS added pension and scholarship schemes and the Janani Suraksha...

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20 KL Free Water Scheme in Delhi Hangs in Balance

-Outlook New Delhi: The future of the flagship scheme providing 20 kilolitres of water to households announced by the former chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal hangs in balance as the Delhi Jal Board is yet to receive the final confirmation for provision of subsidy of Rs 165 Crore for 2014-2015 from Delhi government. "The Board was informed that on the matter pertaining to the provision of subsidy of Rs 165 Crore for the...

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Climate Resilient Agriculture: India’s answer to climate change

As the challenge of global warming looms large, the importance of climate resilient agriculture (CRA) gets recognized by both scientific and farming communities. Countries like India are expected to be intensely affected by climate change since majority of the population is primarily dependent on agriculture for livelihood. CRA, encompassing adaptation and mitigation strategies and the effective use of biodiversity at all levels-genes, species and ecosystems-should, therefore, be India's response towards...

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Govt confirms MGNREGA wage delay suicides -Sandeep Pai

-The Hindustan Times A report commissioned by the ministry of rural development has confirmed the findings of an HT field investigation - published on December 29, 2013 - that delay in payment of wages under MGNREGA was a major contributor to suicides among workers in Maharashtra. The report by the Committee of Experts (CoE) said: "Though the state government has made the claim that it is unfair to link the deaths...

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