Rajya Sabha 10,655 micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMes) closed in 2022-23. That is a 6,088% increase over the number in 2021-22, with 175 closures. The data was revealed by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India as part of the response to a Parliamentary Question asked in the Rajya Sabha. The data was compiled from the Udyam registration portal, the Ministry's online portal for registrations and...
Indian banks gave more home loans than agricultural credit
In each of the last three years – from 2020 through 2022 – Indian banks lent more money to retail customers purchasing homes than they did to farmers. In fiscal year (FY)2021-22 commercial banks gaveRs. 17.54 lakh crore worth of housing loans, while agriculture and allied activities got Rs. 15.16 lakh crore. That is nearly 14 percent less. In FY 2021 and FY 2020 – one of which saw a...
More »MSME loan approval rates muted despite 2-fold increase in funding: Report -Anshika Kayastha
-The Hindu Business Line MSMes face a credit gap of ₹25 lakh crore as formal lenders meet less than 15 per cent of the sector’s requirements Quarterly MSME loan disbursements have increased over two-fold in the last two years, but the approval rate for medium-risk MSMes has seen no improvement — a reflection of the lender’s low risk appetite, according to venture capital firm BLinC Invest. The increase in disbursements has been made...
More »Govt in advanced stage to launch Rs 3,500-crore PLI scheme for toy sector -Asit Ranjan Mishra
-Business Standard Dept in advanced inter-ministerial talks; schemes for bicycles, footwear to follow The industry department is in the advanced stage of inter-ministerial consultation for launching a production-linked incentive (PLI) scheme for both traditional and mechanical toys worth Rs 3,500 crore, which will be followed by PLI schemes for bicycles and footwear. “Discussions for PLI for toys are at an advanced stage. PLIs for bicycles and footwear are also under formulation,” a government...
More »Unlock potential of MSMes with schemes -Dr. Dinesh Kumar Tyagi
-The Daily Pioneer The MSME sector does not need more laws and regulation but handholding and support in India The importance of the MSME in the economic and social development of the country, especially for developing nations, has been established in various studies conducted by the international institutions. In India, the role of SME is proven by the fact that they contribute about 30 per cent of the GDP and 45 per...
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