-The Hindu “As per RBI data, scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) have written off loans of ₹2,36,265 crore, ₹2,34,170 crore and ₹1,15,038 crore during FY2018-19, FY2019-20 and the first three-quarters of FY2020-21 respectively,” the Minister said. Banks have written off bad loans to the tune of ₹1.15 lakh crore in the first three-quarters of the current fiscal, the Lok Sabha was informed on March 8. As per RBI guidelines and policy approved by bank...
Beware of illegal digital lending apps: RBI
-The Hindu Advisory in the backdrop of suicides in Telangana Hyderabad: The Reserve Bank of India has advised public to be wary of unauthorised digital lending platforms and mobile apps. Taking note of reports about individuals and small businesses falling prey to a growing number of unauthorised digital lending platforms/mobile apps, the central bank on Wednesday said “members of public are cautioned not to fall prey to such unscrupulous activities.” It urged them...
More »Why Recovery at Cost of Worker Immiserisation Won’t Last Long -Prabhat Patnaik
-Newsclick.in GDP recovery from the lockdown-induced abyss is accompanied by significant labour displacement and squeeze on wages, which will impact aggregate demand. Ministers from Narendra Modi to Nirmala Sitharaman are talking about a recovery of the Indian economy from the pandemic-induced crisis. Even the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), which estimated the second quarter GDP growth to have been -8.6%, has seen signs of recovery in October. Of course, there had to be...
More »Top Court To Hear Plea Seeking Regulation On UPI Platform Data On Monday
-NDTV.com/ PTI The matter came up for hearing before a Supreme Court bench comprising Chief Justice SA Bobde and Justices AS Bopanna and V Ramasubramanian which listed it for hearing next week. New Delhi: The Supreme Court has said it would hear on November 23 the plea filed by Rajya Sabha MP Binoy Viswam seeking direction to the RBI for framing regulation to ensure that data collected on UPI platforms is not...
More »Has personal loans seen a rebound ahead of the festive season? The answer is in the negative
Just before Dhanteras and Diwali this year, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) released the November edition of its monthly bulletin. The latest RBI Monthly Bulletin says that the GDP has contracted by -8.6 percent in the second quarter of fiscal year 2020-21 (i.e. July-September, 2020) as compared to the gross domestic product (GDP) during the corresponding period last year. It may be noted that India’s GDP shrunk by -23.9...
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