Total Matching Records found : 5468

Muslim girls top national average in School enrolment

Enrolment of Muslim children in primary and upper primary classes in 2009-10 improved significantly with Muslim girls -- as was the trend in the previous two years -- again doing better than boys across the country. In fact, at the upper primary level (class VI-VIII) the percentage of Muslim girls -- 49.97% -- has been higher than the national average of 48.04%. A report by the National University of Educational...

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Maya's changed stance on dailt cooks may irk HC by Swati Mathur

Dropping her hardline stance on appointment of dalits as cooks in primary Schools may soften her image for the ‘janta' ahead of the panchayat polls this year, but Mayawati's sudden move could invite the ire of the state high court. Action, however, will depend on whether a government functionary or a dalit will now come forward to challenge the chief minister's latest diktat. Notably, earlier this year, the UP government approached...

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RTE Act: some rights and wrongs by Pushpa M Bhargava

As it stands, the Right to Education Act has several flaws that will prevent its efficacious implementation. Several amendments are called for. Something that cannot work, will not work. This is a tautology applicable to the Right to Education (RTE) Act, which cannot meet the objectives for which it was enacted. There are several reasons for this. First, the Act does not rule out educational institutions set up for profit (Section 2.n.(iv))....

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Maya govt withdraws quota for SC cooks in Schools

Three months after introducing reservation for SC/STs through a roster system in appointment of cooks for the mid-day meal scheme, the state government has withdrawn the order, following several incidents of boycott of these cooks by students, withdrawal of wards by parents, and even violent protests against their appointment. The official reason given by the Education Department is that the roster system was only applicable to regular government jobs, while cooks...

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Harsh ground realities could trip RTE vision by Cordelia Jenkins

In an upstairs classroom at a residential School in Mal, near Lucknow, the girls are revising for their exams. As the light starts to fade at the glassless windows, each girl takes a brightly coloured plastic lamp and carries it to her space on the floor. There is no electricity, but the lamps are solar powered. They have been donated jointly by Swedish company Ikea and the United Nations Children’s...

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