Total Matching Records found : 9674

How Met forecasts saved crops

-The Telegraph More than 200 agro-meteorologists from various parts of the country attending an IMD review meeting at Birsa Agricultural University (BAU) maintained that accurate weather and climate information passed on by the Met department had helped Farmers in a big way. Addressing the 8th annual review meeting of India Meteorological Department, BAU vice chancellor George John said weather forecast-based agro-advisory services of IMD and Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) had...

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Your food is not cheaper yet, but wait a while -Harish Damodaran

-The Indian Express * Have global agri-commodity prices fallen? By how much? They have. The Food and Agricultural Organisation's latest Food Price Index (base: 2002-04 = 100) of 192.3 for October is down 6.9 per cent compared to a year ago, and 19.1% below the all-time high of 237.7 reached in February 2011. Prices of commodities such as corn, wheat, soybean, sugar and palm oil traded in international futures exchanges are today...

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Air pollution damages crops more than climate change -Snigdha Das

-Down to Earth Study finds that black carbon and ozone pollution in India has significantly cut wheat and rice yield The levels of smog and air pollution in India have become so severe that crop yields are taking a hit. Scientists recently analysed yields for wheat and rice alongside pollution data, and concluded that the crop yields have significantly reduced. They have attributed the decrease in yield to two air pollutants-black carbon...

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Stubble burning fuels breathing problems -Sushil Goyal

-The Tribune Sangrur (Punjab): The number of patients facing respiratory problems has gone up in the area these days. The trend is being attributed to burning of paddy stubble in the fields by Farmers. Doctors say the number of patients suffering from throat infections, allergic bronchitis, productive cough, asthma, itching and burning in eyes has doubled these days. Despite a ban on burning paddy stubble, around 75 per cent of the paddy...

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Community radio for better farming -Gautam Sarkar

-The Telegraph Bhagalpur: The state government has urged Bihar Agriculture University (BAU), Sabour, and Rajendra Agriculture University (RAU), Pusa, to spread community radio network in their respective areas. At a time when Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself connects with India over radio now and then, the state government's effort goes to show how radio remains indispensable for the common man. The state government's effort would help update Farmers with agricultural practices by adopting...

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